The Great East Japan Earthquake (9.0 Mw earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku) that occurred at 14:46 JST on March 11, 2011 generated a massive tsunami causing huge devastation in the coastal towns in the Pacific region. The inundation covered an area of 500 square km with a population of 600,000 people. The disaster claimed 20,000 lives and 100,000 houses were completely or partially destroyed. The total economic loss due to the earthquake was estimated at ¥ 16-25 trillion yen (US$ 200-1,200 billion) by the Japanese Cabinet Office.rn

rnThe Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI) conducted immediate investigations including field surveys for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport?and Tourism (MLIT) immediately after the earthquake in preparation for the recovery work along the ports and coast in the affected regions. The results were reported in PARI?s Technical Report [Takahashi et al., 2011].rn

rnFurther investigation is being conducted to support the ongoing recovery of the impacted areas with the technical co-operation of many government agencies including the Ports and Harbours Bureau of MLIT. This report summarises the investigations conducted during the past 18 months.rn

rnThis report has been compiled by those engineers and researchers who conducted these studies. Information collected in this report includes damage reports and data from homepages. The tsunami is referred to as the Great East Japan Tsunami.rn