PIANC Report WG 167 “The Design of Terminals for RoRo and RoPax Vessels” has just been published and will form an important addition to PIANC’s influential library of technical reports.

RoRo (Roll-on, Roll-off) is the cargo handling mode where vehicles and trailers carrying cargo are transported via ramps or moveable linkspans between ship and shore.  RoPax does the same but also handles passengers.  It is a highly important cargo mode.  Indeed, in the United Kingdom, RoRo cargo tonnage exceeds standard container cargo by a substantial margin.

PIANC Report WG 167 was commissioned by MarCom, the PIANC committee responsible for maritime and port related infrastructure solutions.  The wide terms of reference include quays, ramps and access bridges for RoRo and passenger traffic, land installations, areas for loading and unloading of vehicles, impacts of future climate change, and technical design and safety and security requirements.  The report covers the following topics:

  • The purpose of RoRo and RoPax terminals and types of RoRo and RoPax systems
  • Ship and berth requirements
  • Ship to shore vehicle and passenger access
  • Terminal planning
  • Mechanical and electrical services
  • Passenger terminal buildings and the port city interface
  • Procurement, implementation, management, operation and maintenance
  • Sustainability and future-proofing of RoRo and RoPax terminals

An international working group was appointed to create the report, bringing substantial experience in all aspects of RoRo planning and design.  The report focuses on the distinctive aspects of RoRo planning, referring back to previous PIANC reports, such as the influential PIANC Report WG 158, “Masterplans for the Development of Existing Ports” where more conventional port issues are considered.   This new report is a uniquely rich source of information on all aspects of RoRo terminals.

This report is set to become a standard reference for any practitioner dealing with the design and planning of RoRo projects.