In 1990 a forerunner to the present report was completed by PIANC PIC II Working Group 17 with the title “Inspection, maintenance and repair of maritime structures exposed to material degradation caused by a salt water environment”. Since then, PIC II has been renamed MarCom. As expected, that report has become partly outdated since then and therefore, firstly, the present report is intended to update and supersede the early report.

Secondly, the scope of subjects is widened with respect to the causes of degradation in order to link fully with the objectives of another recent report entitled “Life cycle management ofport structures -general principles”, 1998, by PIC II Working Group 31 (Supplement to PIANC Bulletin No.99), and referred to herein as the LCM report.

As noted in the list of members, some members have participated in both working groups. The present report has been prepared by WG 31 after the LCM report was completed. The group held six meetings for the purpose. In order to avoid misunderstandings in the future, the present updated report has been renamed as Report of Working Group 17 -2004.””


Beginning in 2001, a new working group, MarCom WG 42, was established with the aim of preparing a report that has provisionally been entitled “Life Cycle Management of Port Structures -Recommended Practice for Implementation” and forming a sequel to the general principles covered in the above-mentioned LCM report. The preparation is expected to last three years, and some past members of WG 17 and 31 are participating along with new members.

A procedure for more frequent amendments to update the reports is also being considered.”