This guide describes dredging and port construction around coral reefs and how unwanted environmental impacts on coral reefs from the project itself, the dredging and construction works and the operation of the port can best be prevented, controlled or mitigated. Here dredging is defined as the removal, transport and relocation of material from the seabed while port construction is the provision of safe navigation area and berthing facilities via improvement of access channels and creation of harbour basins and quay space.

rnrnThe guide is intended for: government agencies; port authorities and developers; consultants; the conservation sector; dredging related industries; and other stakeholders active in the marine and coastal sector. rn

rnrnThe present guideline is not intended to be exhaustive in terms of dredging and port construction methodologies or associated impact assessment and management practices. It should be read in conjunction with relevant international literature and other PIANC Guidelines, including, but not limited to, EnviCom Report No. 100 ?Dredging Management Practices for the Environment ? A Structured Selection Approach?.rn