Working with Nature Award

WwN Award

‘Working with Nature’ is an international initiative of PIANC to promote a proactive, integrated approach to sustainable navigation infrastructure projects. Since 2008, numerous navigation infrastructure projects around the world have been developed using elements of the ‘Working with Nature’ philosophy. PIANC is keen to recognise these projects by awarding a Certificate of Recognition.

Working with Nature

During the Closing ceremony at the 35th PIANC World Congress, Mr Paul Sherrer presented the top 3 winners of the Working with Nature Award 2024. (link to presentation)

Together with Mr Bumgou Kang, Vice-President of PIANC and head of the WwN Jury he granted the third price to Mr Calvin Creech (photo 1) with his project on ‘Madeira River Navigation Improvement Planning Study’


the First price to Rocío López Picón (photo 3) and Mr Alberto Santana (photo 4) with their project:7

‘Recovery of Habitats Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials and Bio-tools’ Authority of Huelva, Spain. (Video)

Candidates Working with Nature Award 2024

The following projects already received a Working with Nature Certificate of Recognition and are in the running for winning the Working with Nature Award 2024.

The Award will be granted during the upcoming PIANC World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa – 29 April – 03 May 2024.

Estuarine Island Creation with Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Dredged Material in Lake Worth Lagoon

Palm Beach County, Florida – USA

Estuarine Island Creation in Lake Worth Lagoon

Madeira River Navigation Improvement Planning Study
Adaptative Management of Maintenance Dredges for the Creation of Bird Nesting Areas
Recovery of habitats and seabirds through the beneficial use of dredging and bio-tools in the Port of Huelva
Hancock County Marsh Living Shoreline and Pearl River Maintenance Dredging

Hancock County, USA

Hancock County Marsh Living Shoreline
and Pearl River Maintenance Dredging

Sturgeon Bank Sediment Enhancement Pilot Project

Kamloops, Canada

Sturgeon Bank Sediment Enhancement Pilot Project

  • Photos & videos of Year 2 of the project HERE 
  • Project website: HERE
  • Recent website feature about Year 2 of the project: HERE 
  • Story map about project: HERE
  • Documentary featurette about Year 1 of the project: HERE
    • Documentary featurette about Year 2 of the project to be released by the end of April

If you are responsible for or involved in an ‘environmentally-ambitious’ operational navigation infrastructure project, your project may be eligible for a ‘Working with Nature’ Certificate of Recognition.

In addition, the category ‘Supporter of Working with Nature’ for initiatives, programs, plans, pilots, research or study projects is accessible. Receiving such an accolade enables you to promote your project as an example of international best practice and PIANC will add your project to its public.

Beyond that, all projects submitted for the full ‘Working with Nature’ Certificate of Recognition will also be considered as entries for the four-yearly ‘Working with Nature’ Award. This prestigious Award will be presented to the first three winners every four years on the PIANC World Congress.

Supporter of Working with Nature

Port navigation channel management from nautical bottom and reuse of dredged material’

Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediments (BUDS) at Mersea Harbour and Horsey Island, Essex

Pictures HERE

Video HERE

Argentinian National Inland Waterway: Middle Paraná River. Santa Fe Port to Confluence


Then why not visit our Working with Nature pages, receive more information, see the granting of the first WwN Award on PIANC´s World Congress San Francisco 2014 and submit your project to our panel of experts today to be ready being one of the winners for the next ’Working with Nature’ Award which will be granted during the PIANC World Congress next year 2024 in South Africa!